Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can't go on!

Hattie had spent the day outside with Larry doing rock. At about 4 o'clock, Larry came in and grabbed the camera. Hattie had fallen asleep off her bike in the neighbours dirt because she was just too tired to make it home. That's what I call playing hard!

Dad of the year

I didn't know if I wanted to use this title on this specific picture since Larry is always doing amazing things with the kids, but I loved this moment as much as the rest.
Larry has been out putting the rock on the front of our house when he can, and he Always takes Tanner and Hattie out with him. The two kids usually play in the dirt or under the porch. Larry also brings out thier bikes and other outdoor toys for them to play with. This particular day Hattie came inside before Tanner, so I peeked out the window to see what was keeping him so busy out their since he is always the first inside. There he was hammering away at the nails. Larry had taught him how to use the hammer and then would start some nails for Tanner to pound in. So cute! What an awesome bonding time for father and son (and Hattie too when she's out there). Tanner got pretty good and could even start the nails himself, but it was always better when dad would start 10+ in a row. Love it!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Don't be Deceived by Appearances

These next few photos may all look like Tanner, but don't be deceived because he'll make sure you get it right.
Picture 1 is, in fact, Tanner
Picture 2 is Buzz Lightyear

and picture 3 is Traitor
Such subtal little difference between pictures 2 and 3 that I'm sure some may not even notice. I, however, have been corrected enough times I look very carefully at my boy before addressing him by name for Traitor has a belt and Buzz Lightyear does not. He will not answer to Tanner when in costume and is sure to correct you when you get Buzz and Traitor wrong. As displayed by the picture below, the belt is sinched to the max. He sucks in really hard, then pulls that belt so it looks like he is sinching his belly to his spine before he locks it in place. Really, I'm not sure how he even breaths, let alone jump from the roof yelling out "To infinity, and beyond!"

He wears the costume everyday, everywhere and truly, truly believes he is Buzz Lightyear when he is wearing it. One day Kason came over and Tanner was in costume. He met Kason at the door and said, "Don't worry Kason, it's not really Buzz Lightyear, it's me, Tanner" as he pulled off the hood. I don't know if Kason gave him a perplexed look, but Tanner felt the need to take the entire costume off to really convince Kason he was Tanner and not Buzz. Ha ha!!
He also watches the movie any day I'll let him and re-enacts the Entire thing. If he has the costume on, he acts out Buzz, but otherwise he watches the show with the toys and uses them to act it out! Love that kid.
And if you think this is something new and cute, wrong. It has been going on for about 3 months and shows no sign of slowing down.

Happy Mother's Day

For Mother's Day, I took a picture of my kids and made them draw things around it for their grandmas. I was going to make one of those melamine plates with it for them, but the website wouldn't accept downloads from Canada. Total bummer! At least I got a cute picture of all my kids together.
3 kids, age 3 and under. Crazy and I love it!
They made me an awesome mother's day too. I woke up to breakfast, they had each made me a card, Larry got the kids ready for church and off to Hill Spring we went. Larry sat with Hattie in nursery, which was a nice break for me. Then we went to Susan and Larry's and Larry organized and made a yummy rib supper for all the girls. It was such a nice and relaxing day. Larry really went above and beyond in making it special for me, plus he got me a beautiful sidetable for our bedroom! Thanks hun!!

What a Girl!

Yes, Hattie still has a "soo-soo" and she is Totally addicted! And heck, if one soother is good, two should be even better, right! Also, she firmly believes that her sunglasses should be worn upsidedown. Ha ha, and no one can tell her otherwise.
In these photos, she had eaten a blue sucker soother. Right after we got the photo of her with the blue tongue we showed her in the mirror. It totally freeked her out and she started crying and wouldn't open her mouth until we wiped it off.

Auntie Rules!

Miriam came over to spend a what she thought would be fun and relaxing day. Instead, she went into awesome auntie/babysitter mode. I had very little sleep the night before and Peter was fussy, so Miriam took Tanner and Hattie downstairs and played with them All Day! Their highlight was building a super big fort and having a picnic under it with all their play food. The kids loved it! Thanks Mim!!! They will have such awesome memories of you!