The problem with "squishies" is they don't go away the moment you want them to. Tanner and Hattie like to take lengthy baths together with bubbles and toys. I get them out when they end up having a fight they can't resolve or when we have somewhere to go. Otherwise, they stay in there for a long, long time. As everyone knows, when you are in the tub or pool for a long time your hands and feet get wrinkled. Today I pointed out to Tanner that his hands were really wrinkly. As you can see by the picture, that did not go down well. He started bawling out of control and told me to "get rid of the squishies!
I Hate squishies! Get them off my hands" I tried explaining that they have to go away on their own after a couple minutes and that he should just forget about them and get dressed. Nope! He stayed in my room bawling about his squishies for quite a while. Guess I'll never point that out again!