Monday, June 4, 2012

Our Hattie

This little girl is the Best!
 She knows exactly what she wants and exactly how to get it.  Everything in her life is so intense, from eating breakfast in the morning with the exact right amount of milk to cereal ratio, right down to going to bed in princess jammies after smothering everyone in goodnight kisses (making her brothers really mad and her really happy)
 She loves all things girly and loves to force them upon everyone around her. Larry is still constantly victim to her hairdos while he naps on the ground. When I took this picture, I asked her what she was doing, and she said, "Oh, I'm just doing Daisy's hair for her." Ha ha!
 She insist on dressing herself and usually comes upstairs wearing the most random outfits and always a skirt or dress and usually both. She figures I put tights on her when she is wearing a dress, so why not a skirt on under her dress instead.
She got some makeup and nail polish for her birthday, and she absolutely loves it. She likes to have her toes and nails painted like a rainbow and insists that I have nails and toes to match her.
 I enrolled her in ballet at the University, and she has had a love/hate relationship with it. Getting ready to go was usually a struggle, but once we got there she thought she was the prima ballerina every time. Once spring came and dandelions started appearing, she would pick some for her teacher and the other girls in her class. She was always amazed that "Miss Mary has so many flowers around her house."

My absolute favourite! We were on our way to ballet and we had this conversation:
Hattie: Mom, can we get a donut after ballet today?
Me: probably
Hattie: Yaaaaa! Probably is yes's best friend!
After a comment like that, how could I not.
We sure love you Hattie! You fill each day up with so much, well, emotion. You are a master story teller and can talk your way into and out of anything. You love to torment your brothers constantly by smothering them and occasionally beating them up. You are an amazing friend to them too! When Tanner is home, you two are inseparable and play the most fantastic games together for hours. Once Tanner leaves to school, you instantly get Peter involved in all your little girly games. You are a wonderful help to me, and I can get you to do most any chore by telling you you need to do it so you can practice being a mom. And when your dad gets home you are perfect at telling him all your stories to make him laugh! 

1 comment:

  1. Probably sure is yes's best friend!!!!!!! hahahahahAHAHA
